Flutter CURD - Operation Example

Here's an example of how you could implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations in Flutter using Dart and an SQLite database:

Flutter-crud example

  1. Creating CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) functions involves the following steps:
  2. Set up the database: Before creating the CRUD functions, you'll need to set up a database to store your data. You can use any database management system, such as MySQL, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL, depending on your preference and needs.
  3. Define the database schema: Once you have set up the database, you'll need to define the schema, which is a blueprint of the structure of the data you will be storing. 
  4. For example, you may have a schema for a "Users" table that includes columns for user ID, name, email address, and password.
  5. Connect to the database: You'll need to write code to establish a connection between your application and the database. 
  6. This connection will allow you to execute database queries from your application.

1. Create:

  1. Create the Create function: The Create function will be used to insert new records into the database. 
  2. You'll need to write code to take input from the user, validate it, and insert it into the database.

 Future addTodo(Todo todo) async {
  final db = await database;
  var res = await db.insert("Todo", todo.toMap());
  return res;

2. Read:

  1. Create the Read function: The Read function will be used to retrieve data from the database.
  2. You'll need to write code to execute a database query to retrieve the relevant data and display it to the user.

 Future> getTodos() async {
  final db = await database;
  var res = await db.query("Todo");
  List list =
      res.isNotEmpty ? res.map((c) => Todo.fromMap(c)).toList() : [];
  return list;

3. Update:

  1. Create the Update function: The Update function will be used to modify existing records in the database. 
  2. You'll need to write code to take input from the user, validate it, and update the corresponding record in the database.

 Future updateTodo(Todo todo) async {
  final db = await database;
  var res = await db.update("Todo", todo.toMap(),
      where: "id = ?", whereArgs: [todo.id]);
  return res;

4. Delete:

  1. Create the Delete function: The Delete function will be used to delete records from the database.
  2. You'll need to write code to take input from the user, validate it, and delete the corresponding record from the database.

 Future deleteTodo(int id) async {
  final db = await database;
  int res = await db.delete("Todo", where: "id = ?", whereArgs: [id]);
  return res;

Test the CRUD functions: After implementing the CRUD functions, you should test them to ensure that they are working as expected. You can test each function individually or write test cases to test all of the functions together.

These are the general steps for creating CRUD functions, but the exact implementation will depend on the programming language and framework you are using.