Create an e-commerce app in Flutter.

  1. Plan and design your app: Decide on the features you want to include in your app, such as product listings, shopping cart, payment gateway integration,Api and third party Api etc.
  2. Set up your development environment: Install the Flutter SDK and any required tools, such as Android Studio or Visual Studio Code.
  3. Build the UI: Use Flutter widgets to create the user interface for your app, including screens for product listings, product details, shopping cart, payment gatway and checkout.
  4. Implement the core functionality: Write the code to fetch products from an API, add items to the cart, process payments, and handle other e-commerce related tasks.
  5. Test and debug: Test your app on different devices and resolve any issues that you find and responsive layout.
  6. Deploy to app stores: Publish your app on app stores such as Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

These are the high-level steps to create an e-commerce app in Flutter. The details of each step can vary depending on the complexity of your app and your development experience.