
  • Flutter is basically a Mobile App Development Framework.
  • Which has been developed by Google company. 
  • It was first introduced in May 2017. 
  • Flutter Cross supports plateform. 
  • Meaning you can create Andoid, iOS or Web App by writing a bar code.

Where is flutter used

  • Flutter is primarily used to make Android and iOS apps. 
  • As I told you this is a cross platform framework, so you can create both Android and iOS apps simultaneously from the same codebase. 
  • Flutter is also used to create web apps.

How does flutter work

  • Flutter Dart is the framework of programming language. 
  • Dart is also a cross plateform language. 
  • If you create your app in Flutter, you can compile the same code for both Android and iOS simultaneously.

Advantages of flutter

High productivity :-

  • Since Flutter is cross-platform, you can use the same code Codebase for your iOS and Android apps. 
  • This can definitely save you both time and resources.

Great Performance :-

  • Dart Compile in Native Code and there is no need for OEM widgets as Flutter has its own. 
  • The apps made in it start fast and their performance is very smooth.

Main Advantages

  1. Same UI and Business Logic in All Platforms
  2. Reduced Code Development Time
  3. Increased Time-to-Market Speed
  4. Similar to Native App Performance
  5. Custom, Animated UI of Any Complexity Available
  6. Own Rendering Engine
  7. Simple Platform-Specific Logic Implementation
  8. The Potential Ability to Go Beyond Mobile